Diplomat Leigh Turner at the AkadGym

Meeting the Queen and Fire on a Plane – Diplomat Leigh Turner at the AkadGym

All students of class 5a of the Akademisches Gymnasium Salzburg listen with surprised and fascinated looks on their faces as former diplomat Leigh Turner tells them about his adventures in a Russian plane with a seat on fire, and his meeting with the queen.

Former diplomat Leigh Turner, also known as author Robert Pimm, visits class 5a in Salzburg to teach them how to write a blog and talks about his experiences as a diplomat. Since our class also read his book before his visit, he explained the book a little and we got to ask him all our questions about it. I personally really enjoyed Leigh Turner’s visit.

I never really knew what a diplomat actually is or does. It was always a job that seemed kind of unreal and unreachable to me. However, with his visit Leigh Turner helped me understand what being a diplomat is like, by sharing some stories and experiences from his long years on the job. Now I know what a diplomat actually does.

I am not going to lie, reading Corona Crime was not an easy task, there were a lot of references and messages in the book that I did not understand. Thanks to Leigh Turner and his explanation of the book I now finally understand it a little bit better. He read out the first two chapters of the book and also talked about what kind of world Corona Crime is set in. Even though reading the book still was not easy it definitely helped.

He also held a little workshop with us on how to write the perfect blog article. It was very informative, and I learnt some things I never even heard of. With the help of his very own blog that has a lot of tips about all kind of writing tasks he taught us the basics about articles, and we also wrote our own example. The workshop about writing an article really helped me.

There is a long line forming towards Leigh Turners desk, since all the students of class 5a are very excited to get their book signed by him.

Click here to read Leigh Turner’s blog post about his visit to the AkadGym: https://robertpimm.com/leigh-turner-readings-in-salzburg-graz/

Pia Kürzl, 5